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The Large Dwarf

Joined 3 November 2009

The Large Dwarf is a Outdoor Broadcast Production Operations Student at Southampton Solent University during the best part of the day. And all the other times he is a gamer, sailer, kayaker and rider!

User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
User-userbox-TES3Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Morrowind Construction Set.

Computer.svg This user plays on a Windows PC.
User-userbox-Xbox.png This user plays on the Xbox.

LinuxLogo.gif This user works on Linuk.

User-userbox-Linux Logo.png This user plays on Linux.
User-userbox-Mac Icon.png This user plays on the Mac.

MaleIcon.png This user is male.
0 This UESPWikian is {{Template:FULLPAGENAME0/Extension

|1=33 |2=6 |3=17

}} old.

Flag England.png This user is born in England.
Flag Germany.png This user is half German