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Almalexia (almalexia / Almalexia_warrior)
(lore page)
Location Mournhold Temple: High Chapel
Sotha Sil, Dome of Sotha Sil
Species Chimer Soul Divine (1500)
Level 100 Type Special Creatures
Other Information
Health 3000 Magicka 1500
Alarm 100 / 0 Fight 50 / 0
Essential Until The Mad God

Almalexia is one of the three Tribunal immortals, who resides in Mournhold, rarely leaving her High Temple. Almalexia appears as "alm" in Almsivi. She seems to be taking her decline of power (due to being deprived of the Heart of Lorkhan) rather poorly, and according to Galsa Andrano, Almalexia has become more cold and distant. Galsa worries for the goddess, as the Tribunal hasn't walked among the people for the last 50 years. Almalexia's homilies contain lessons of compassion and wisdom, but her sermons as of late are more focused on destroying the wicked, punishing the foolish, and rewarding the unquestioning faithful.

Almalexia is suspicious of King Hlaalu Helseth, but he isn't currently her priority.

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Barilzar's Mazed Band: Find this powerful artifact hidden beneath the Temple and return it to Almalexia.
  • A Show of Power: Further investigate the Plaza attack for Helseth by working for Almalexia.
  • The Missing Hand: Take care of one of the Hands of Almalexia who has abandoned his post.
  • The Blade of Nerevar: Gather the three broken pieces of this legendary blade to reforge it.
  • The Mad God: Find the supposedly mad Sotha Sil in his hidden Clockwork City for Almalexia.


Once you have gained access to the High Chapel where Almalexia resides, you may also dicuss a number of non-quest-related topics with her:

  • Barenziah
    • [If Barenziah is alive.] "Yes...the mother to young King Helseth. A fascinating woman. Mortal, but fascinating."
    • [Else.] "Yes...the mother to young King Helseth. I heard she had passed. Such is the way of mortals."
  • Fedris Hler
    • [If Fedris Hler is alive.] "Dear Fedris has been my loyal servant for a very long time. He is my Steward, and he oversees many of the day-to-day activities here at the Temple."
    • [Else.] "Fedris Hler has been found dead. Murdered, it seems. That anyone would dare do this in my Temple.... My Hands will find the murderer, and he will be dealt with severely."
  • Gavas Drin
    • [If Gavas Drin is alive.] "My dear Gavas has been a loyal servant of mine for many, many years. He is a shining example of the glory of the Tribunal."
    • [Else.] "My dear Gavas has been found dead. My Hands will find out who has done this horrible thing, and that person will suffer. That someone would dare do such a thing in my Temple...."
  • Hands of Almalexia
    • "The Hands of Almalexia are My personal guard, pledged to honor and protect and serve Me in all ways. Their bodies and souls are buttressed by My Divine Favor. Their armor and weapons are imbued with glory by My Touch. On the face of Tamriel, there are no more terrible warriors than My Hands of Almalexia."
  • Helseth
    • [If Helseth is alive.] "Helseth is the King of Morrowind. He is young, and has much to learn. Soon he will learn the strength of the Tribunal Temple, and its importance to all my people."
    • [Else.] "I have heard that young King Helseth has been murdered. I do not like these things happening in my city."
  • High Ordinators
    • "My High Ordinators protect the city of Mournhold from any who would do it harm. They are holy warriors, blessed with great speed and strength."
  • Royal Guard
    • "The king's guards? I don't concern myself with them. My Hands are the most powerful warriors in all of Mournhold."
  • Sotha Sil
    • [Before the start of the quest The Mad God.] "Do not concern yourself with Sotha Sil. He lives in his own way, as he always has. No, I have not spoken with him in a long time, but this not odd. I'm certain all is well with my old friend."
  • Tienius Delitian
    • [If Tienius Delitian is alive.] "He's the leader of the young king's Royal Guard, I believe. An Imperial. They're all the same."
    • [Else.] "I heard Captain Delitian had been murdered. Surprising."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Barilzar's Mazed BandEdit

Once you have retrieved Barilzar's Mazed Band, Gavas Drin will direct you to personally deliver it to Almalexia. Since it is impossible to enter her sanctum without an invitation, this is also the first time that you get a chance to speak with her:

  • "So you are the person I have been hearing about. I welcome you to my chapel, %PCName...or perhaps I should call you by another name? But, that is a discussion for a later time. I understand you have done well in my service, and, indeed, a service in my name is a service for all of Mournhold. Now, my faithful and obedient servant, let us discuss Barilzar's Mazed Band."
  • Barilzar's Mazed Band
    • [If you do not have the Mazed Band in your inventory.] "I was told you had the Mazed Band. Where is it? Retrieve it. Quickly."
    • [Else.] "An interesting item, is it not? It seems ordinary enough, but it is much more. The ring is cold now, but the embers of its power still burn hot within. I will use my magic to reawaken this power."
    • Why did you want this ring?
      • [Barilzar's Mazed Band is removed from your inventory. Almalexia's Light is added to your powers.] "Do not concern yourself too deeply in these matters, friend %PCName. I will use the ring as I do serve the Temple and all of Morrowind. You have been a pleasant surprise to meet. I have seen something in you that I have not seen in a very long time. I bestow the blessing of My Light upon you. May it serve you well. We will speak again soon."
    • It is my pleasure to serve you.
      • [Barilzar's Mazed Band is removed from your inventory. Almalexia's Light is added to your powers.] "It is I who serve all of Morrowind. Your help has been appreciated, %PCName. I have seen something in you that I have not seen in a very long time. I bestow the blessing of My Light upon you. We will speak again in the future."

If you mention the ring again after the completion of this quest, Almalexia reacts as follows:

  • Barilzar's Mazed Band
    • "It is good and right that the Band be in my possession. Surely, it will be a boon to all of my people. Your efforts are appreciated."

Note, however, that this can only be done by either not exiting the conversation in the first place or waiting until a later point in the questline, as immediately after the completion of this quest, Almalexia does not wish to speak with you again:

  • "There is much work to be done. Leave me now, my loyal servant. We will speak again soon, I am sure."
  • Goodbye

An Attack on MournholdEdit

If you speak with Almalexia while the attack is taking place, she will bid you to investigate it:

  • "There is a disturbance in the Plaza Brindisi Dorom. Investigate it, my good and faithful servant. I shall remain here."
  • Goodbye

Speaking with her again after you put an end to the attack but before Fedris Hler asks you to investigate the ruins of Bamz-Amschend elicits the following response:

  • "I sense that the danger in the Plaza has abated...for now. Go and speak with Fedris Hler. He will give you further instructions."
  • Goodbye

A Show of PowerEdit

Upon the completion of your investigation of Bamz-Amschend, Fedris Hler asks you to speak with Almalexia again. Do so to receive your next task from her:

  • "Greetings, %PCName. It is good to see you again. Dear Fedris has told me more about your work so far here in Mournhold. He suggested I might find your services useful. After some consideration, I have decided that there may be a task for you to complete."
  • task
    • "Since the horrendous attack on the city, there have been some alarming developments. One of the most troublesome has been a cult that has recently formed, led by a young Dunmer named Eno Romari. They call themselves the End of Times. In these troubled times, I fear the cult is gaining in popularity."
    • Eno Romari
      • "The leader of this little cult. He resides in Mournhold, though he is not known to have a permanent residence. He is dangerous, %PCName, as he spreads discontent among my people. He is not to be killed, though. I want no martyrs to this madman's cause."
    • End of Times
      • "Very little is known about them yet, but there is one very disturbing fact we have learned: many of their members have been found dead."
      • found dead
        • "At least seven of them have been found so far. All dead, all in their homes. It appears they ingested a strong poison, and not even my magicks could revive those who were found. We must find out what drives this group, and rid my city of their presence. Speak with Meralyn Othan at the Great Bazaar; her brother Sevil was one of those found. Learn what you can about them, %PCName, and of this Eno Romari. Take care with him, though. The words of a martyr cry louder than those of a zealot."
        • Meralyn Othan
          • "Look for her in the Bazaar. Find out what she knows."
        • Sevil
          • "Meralyn Othan's brother. He was found dead, just like the others."

If you return to Almalexia after speaking with Meralyn Othan but before learning from Eno Romari that the cult is a suicide cult, she says:

  • "What have you learned about this End of Times cult and their beliefs? Have you served me well in gathering this information?"
  • Eno Romari
    • "We know he is in the city, but little else about him."
  • End of Times
    • "Have you found out more information yet?"

Return to her after learning the truth about the cult to wrap up your investigation and move on to the next phase of the quest:

  • End of Times
    • "A suicide cult? In my city? What have you learned about their beliefs?"
    • beliefs
      • "They would dare...? So, the Tribunal has lost its power, has it? These fools would dare question Almalexia's power, here in her city! I will give them a lesson in power, %PCName, and you will be my agent."
      • lesson in power
        • "These fools must be reminded of the true power of a god. Since the attack on the city, much of my own power has been spent caring for my people. The number of wounded has been astronomical, and caring for them all has been taxing to even me. Still, I must demonstrate to these people what it is to mock the will of a god. You will travel to the ruins of Bamz-Amschend and activate the Karstangz-Bcharn."
        • Karstangz-Bcharn
          • "Loosely translated: the Weather Witch. At its height, the Dwemer civilization was masterful in the use of machinery. In a time of drought, Dwemer scholars were commissioned to create a machine that would bring rain to their lands. They created the Karstangz-Bcharn. Its existence was little more than a myth until recently, when the ruins opened beneath my city. I wish for you to activate the machine, make it to create ashstorms in Mournhold. Then, these heretics will know the power of Almalexia!"
          • Ashstorms in Mournhold
            • [1 Powered Dwemer Coherer has been added to your inventory.] "That's correct. While these storms may be common on the island of Vvardenfell, they do not occur here, so far removed from the Red Mountain. Now, though, they will, and these heretics will understand the power of the Tribunal. The power of Almalexia! Take this, and use it to activate the machine. You will have to divine its workings on your own, %PCName, but I believe you are up to the task."

If you wish, you can ask her some more things before you carry out this new task that Almalexia has given to you:

  • "In My wisdom I have sent you to activate the Karstangz-Bcharn. Tell me you have accomplished this task for your goddess."
  • Ashstorms in Mournhold
    • "You have not yet created ashstorms, %PCName, and my patience wears thin. This needs to be handled, and quickly."
  • beliefs
    • "This cult will be gone from my city soon, %PCName. I cannot allow such heresy to poison the minds of my people."
  • End of Times
    • "They will not continue to exist in my city."
  • Karstangz-Bcharn
    • "Go. Take the Dwemer Coherer and restart the machine. I will have ashstorms in Mournhold!"

And if you speak with her after you have activated the Karstangz-Bcharn but before you have actually used it to create an ashstorm in Mournhold, she says:

  • Ashstorms in Mournhold
    • "I see you have activated the Karstangz-Bcharn."
  • Karstangz-Bcharn
    • "I see you have restarted the machine, but this is not what I asked for! This weather is not uncommon in the city. Only an ashstorm will show these people my true power!"

Return to Almalexia once you have created an ashstorm in Mournhold to finish the quest:

  • Karstangz-Bcharn
    • "Well done, %PCName. This is the effect I was looking for! Ashstorms in Mournhold! My magic will prevent anyone from further tampering with this machine. You will, of course, keep silent about this. My powers are a bit drained, mortal...they are not gone. My ordinators will take care of the remains of this End of Times cult and their leader. You have done well."

At this point, she also has some new things to say about previously discussed topics:

  • Ashstorms in Mournhold
    • "Yes, the Karstangz-Bcharn is creating the weather just as I had hoped. And it will remain this way until I am satisfied these people have learned a lesson."
  • beliefs
    • "This cult will be gone from my city soon, %PCName. I cannot allow such heresy to poison the minds of my people."
  • Eno Romari
    • [If Eno Romari is dead.] "I did not want him killed! You displease me, mortal fool."
    • [Else.] "I will take care of him."
  • Karstangz-Bcharn
    • "It will remain active until I decide otherwise. The ashstorms will continue in Mournhold until I feel that these people have grown to appreciate all I do for them."

The Missing HandEdit

As soon as the previous quest is over, you may receive your next quest from Almalexia by speaking with her again:

  • "I am well-pleased, good and faithful servant. My people look upon the elements, and see there written a divine testament to my lordship. Did ever any other god display such dominion over the earth and sky? But now... with a heavy heart, I must lay a sad burden upon you. I bid you bring the peace of understanding to my Missing Hand."
  • missing Hand
    • "One of my most faithful guards, one of my very own Hands of Almalexia, pledged to honor and protect and serve me in all ways, has lost his mind. Salas Valor has abandoned me, and now spews vile and slanderous untruths about me to any who would listen. I pity him, and know he is not responsible for his actions. To view the splendor of a god may drive even the strongest mortal mad. But now he presents a threat to us, and he is very dangerous. I fear you may not be able to spare his life."
    • Continue
      • [If Salas Valor is still alive.] "Now Salas Valor haunts the streets and sewers of Mournhold. His wild, distracted manner frightens the people, but even my Ordinators are afraid to confront so terrible a weaponmaster and war-wizard. I beg you -- seek out Salas Valor. Relieve us of this threat to my beloved people, and bring peace to my sacred city of Mournhold."
      • [Else.] "Salas Valor is already dead? The pain is almost more than I can bear... but somehow, you have anticipated my need and served me faithfully! It is a sign! This miracle compels me to grant you a divine blessing. Would you like skin as tough as iron? Would you like the terrible force of lightning tamed as your protector? Or would you wish to always bask in warm comfort of my reflected glory? Quick, now! Choose! You must not keep your Deity waiting!"
      • Skin like iron, please!
        • [Disposition +10. Her Ironskin has been added to your abilities.] "I bless you with my gift, and mark you as my own. Be ever faithful in your service, and you may expect more generous rewards."
        • Goodbye
      • Tamed lightning, please!
        • [Disposition +10. Her Guard Against Terror has been added to your abilities.] "I bless you with my gift, and mark you as my own. Be ever faithful in your service, and you may expect more generous rewards."
        • Goodbye
      • Warm, reflected glory, please!
        • [Disposition +10. Her Reflected Glory has been added to your abilities.] "I bless you with my gift, and mark you as my own. Be ever faithful in your service, and you may expect more generous rewards."
        • Goodbye
      • Uh... nothing for me, right now... but thanks.
        • "[Disposition -30. Almalexia regards you coolly.] Perhaps you think yourself too proud to accept the gifts of your Mistress? Very well. It is as you wish."
        • Goodbye

If you speak with Almalexia again while Salas Valor is still alive, she says:

  • "Have you eliminated the threat of my poor, mad Missing Hand, and brought peace to Mournhold?"
  • missing Hand
    • "When you have removed the threat Salas Valor represents to Our peace and security, report back to me."
  • Salas Valor
    • "Salas Valor was once my most trusted Hand and faithful servant. But recently his behavior has been erratic. He has been quiet and unresponsive. I am afraid... I may have allowed him to come too close. It is impossible that a mortal and a god might meet on equal ground, but... perhaps he had deluded himself. I regret his lamentable state, and am sorry that I may have been partly responsible for his condition."

Return to Almalexia after the deed is done to finish this quest:

  • missing Hand
    • "Salas Valor is dead? The pain is almost more than I can bear... but you have served me faithfully, and it is in my mind to grant you a divine blessing. Would you like skin as tough as iron? Would you like my protection against paralyzing terror? Or would you wish to always bask in warm comfort of my reflected glory? Quick, now! Choose! You must not keep your Deity waiting!"

From here, the conversation continues precisely as above, with "Protection against paralysis, please!" substituted for "Tamed lightning, please!". (Note that, due to a bug, you never get an actual lightning shield, but instead end up with an increased resistance against paralysis if you kill Salas Valor early and subsequently pick that option.) If you mention the missing Hand again after the completion of the quest, Almalexia says:

  • missing Hand
    • "You have done well in removing this threat to Our peace and security"

The Blade of NerevarEdit

The next time that you speak with Almalexia, she has yet another task ready for you:

  • "Welcome, %PCName. It is time we talked of greater things. I have watched you since your arrival in Vvardenfell, and you have been a strong and faithful servant to me. None but the Nerevarine could have succeeded as you have. How long I have waited for this! My Nerevar, returned to me at last! I have watched from my Temple as others have made the claim, and I have seen them fall. I believe now that you are the one who was prophesied."
  • you are the one
    • "I believe you now to be the Nerevarine. Though I have watched others come and go, my belief is that you are the child of prophecy. The time has come for you to reclaim your station. Together we can unite Morrowind once again, free from the Imperial yoke."
    • reclaim your station
      • "For years, the Chimer and the Dwemer had been at war. The Dwemer spurned the Daedra that the Chimer worshipped, instead placing their faith in their metal creations. It was only when the Nords invaded Resdayn that the two nations were able to join as one, under the leadership of our Nerevar and the Dwarf-King Dumac. In time, the two generals became blood friends, and on the day that Nerevar and I were wed, Dumac presented us with twin blades, Hopesfire and Trueflame."
      • twin blades
        • "Each was a magnificent blade, the pinnacle of Dwemer craftsmanship. Their blades burned with an unearthly fire, and the sight of them struck fear into our enemies. My blade has been kept safe, but not so Trueflame, the Blade of Nerevar. It was lost at the battle of Red Mountain."
        • Trueflame
          • [1 Broken Dwemer Blade Piece has been added to your inventory.] "The Blade of Nerevar. In the battle beneath Red Mountain, Trueflame was shattered, the flame extinguished, and in the confusion, the pieces lost. It is time for you, Nerevarine, to remake the blade and take your place by my side once again. I have only one, which I now give to you. Through my magic, I have been able to determine that the other pieces of the blade are nearby. Find the other two pieces of the blade, and forge the blade anew. Only you may accomplish this, Nerevarine."

If you speak with her again before you finish reforging the blade, she says:

  • "Greetings, my dearest servant. You were to forge the blade of Nerevar once again."
  • craftsmen
    • "You'll find a number of them in my fair city. It was these artisans who built this city from ruins under my guidance. This glorious temple was erected by men and mer of stout heart and strong faith. If any in this land can forge that blade, they'll be found in my city."
  • forge the blade
    • [If the blade is complete, but is yet to be rekindled.] "The blade is whole, but the fire does not burn! Speak to the one who forged the blade, and find out why it does not burn!"
    • [If the blade is still incomplete.] "The best weaponsmiths in all of Tamriel reside in my city. When you have recovered the pieces of the blade, seek out the finest among these craftsmen, and press him into our service."
  • pieces of the blade
    • "As I said, they are nearby. Look to those in the city that you know and trust for guidance. Find those who would have use for items such as this. Prove your mettle to me, Nerevarine, and soon we will stand together once again!"
  • Trueflame
    • "Oh, how it burned with power! You must find the pieces and forge the blade once again."
  • twin blades
    • "Yes. Hopesfire and Trueflame."

Return to Almalexia with a reforged and rekindled Trueflame to wrap up this quest and hear about the next 'obstacle' that you will have to overcome:

  • forge the blade
    • "The blade is reforged! Our time has almost arrived. There is but one obstacle that stands in our way, though it pains me to believe it is so. Sotha Sil. I cannot count the times I have fought by the Magician's side. It was he who stood with me the day I fought in Mournhold and banished Mehrunes Dagon to the depths of Oblivion. It was Sotha Sil who was able to delve the mysteries of Kagrenac's tools, and raise me to my rightful station. Now, though, the Tinkerer has become unstable."

After the end of this quest, Almalexia may also say:

  • Trueflame
    • "The blade burns bright again!"

The Mad GodEdit

As has become clear at the end of the previous quest, Almalexia wishes for you to stop Sotha Sil, who she claims has become unstable. Speak with her to learn more about this threat that he allegedly poses and what she wants you to do about this:

  • must be stopped
    • "I believe it is your calling to stop Sotha Sil's mad schemings. I do not know that he can be reasoned with, %PCName, but it is possible. If he cannot be, you must end his life. Though the idea saddens me, it is best for Morrowind...and it is best for him, as well. You have the power to do this. The Trueflame can kill a god, if wielded by one of noble intent. Steel yourself, %PCName, and do what must be done. I will send you to his Clockwork City now, if you are prepared. Good luck, Nerevarine."
    • I am prepared to go.
      • "Then I shall send you now. Do what you must, Nerevarine."
      • Goodbye.
    • I need time to prepare.
      • "There is not time to waste. Make your preparations quickly."
      • Goodbye.

Should you decide that you do not want Almalexia to transport you to the Clockwork City right away, you can ask her some more questions before you embark on this final quest:

  • "It is time for you to go, %PCName. Sotha Sil must be stopped."
  • Clockwork City
    • "His lair is as puzzling as the mind of the Sorcerer himself. Ever-moving, ever-changing, its levers and gears responding to its master's will alone. It is here he performs his profane experiments, aided by his magic and tainted by his madness."
  • his madness
    • "I have suspected for some time that the Lord Sotha Sil had entered Sheogorath's realm. His visits have been more and more infrequent, and punctuated by violent fits of anger. He began to speak of the fall of the Tribunal and the return of the Old Gods. But Sotha Sil is not a Seer; he is a Maker. He shapes the Here and the Now, while only I have been privy to what is to come. I know this...he is no longer the man he once was."
  • man he once was
    • "He is completely mad. It was his creations, these Fabricants, that attacked my city. This once great man is now a danger to Mournhold and to all of Morrowind. He must be stopped, %PCName."
  • unstable
    • "Once, Sotha Sil was like we are, the Lord Vivec and I. He spent time among these mortals, instructing them, counseling them, protecting them from harm. He may have loved them more than any of us, though I know not why. It has been many years since any have seen the Sorcerer, though. Many more since he took initiates into his service. I believe he grew weary of mortal imperfections, and retired to his Clockwork City, where he reshapes life, and some say the very world, into an image he finds pleasing."

When you are ready, speak with Almalexia again to have her teleport you to the Clockwork City:

  • must be stopped
    • "Are you prepared now to stop Sotha Sil and take your place amongst the gods?"

After Almalexia teleports you to the Clockwork City and you fight your way to Dome of Sotha Sil, you will be confronted with a few nasty surprises. Sotha Sil is already dead by the time that you reach him, and the culprit is none other than Almalexia herself, who appears before you when you try to leave the Dome. Evidently, she has gone quite mad as a result of the loss of her own divinity and has been manipulating you all along:

Almalexia: "Nerevarine. Here it ends. This Clockwork City was to be your death. You were to be my greatest martyr! The heroic Nerevarine, sacrificing all to protect Morrowind from the mad Sotha Sil. But you live! You live! Fear not. I will tell the tale myself when this is done. I will tell my people how with your dying breath you proclaimed your devotion to me, the one true god. Your death will end this prophecy and unite my people again under one god, one faith, one rule by my divine law. The puppet king will lay down his arms and bow to my will. Those who do not yield will be destroyed. The Mazed Band has allowed me to travel to this place. Here, I slew Sotha Sil. Here, I summoned the Fabricants to attack Mournhold. I will be the savior of my people! I alone will be their salvation!

The last segment of her monologue differs based on whether or not Vivec is still alive. If Vivec still lives, Almalexia says:

Almalexia: "None may stand in my way. Not you, and certainly not Vivec. He is a poet, a fool. I will deal with him when I have finished with you. And Sotha Sil...he always thought himself our better, shunning us, locking himself in this hole. He spoke not a word as he died. Not a whisper. Even in death, he mocked me with his silence! But I think you will scream, mortal. For now, you face the one true god."

If you killed Vivec at some point before this confrontation in the Clockwork City takes place, Almalexia says:

Almalexia: "But I smell the blood of gods on your hands, Nerevarine. Vivec was a fool. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see his death. But Sotha Sil...he always thought himself our better, shunning us, locking himself in this hole. He spoke not a word as he died. Not a whisper. Even in death, he mocked me with his silence! But I think you will scream, mortal. For now, you face the one true god."

Either way, Almalexia will turn hostile as soon as her monologue is over, and the only way to finish this questline and leave the Clockwork City, is by facing Almalexia in battle and killing her in the Dome of Sotha Sil.


You are free to inform many people of the fate of Almalexia's fate or some variation of it, with most not believing you. Most people will also lose disposition with you after you tell them.

"[Studies you carefully.] I see you know something that you choose not to say. That's your right. And perhaps I do not have to be a prophet to imagine what it is that you do not say, Nerevarine." --Vivec, who will be able to determine this whether or not you tell him.
"That is very sad. I presume she killed Sotha Sil. I thought she might harm me. And I presume she tried to kill you, Nerevarine. It is all very sad. But death comes to all mortals -- and we are all mortal now. In time, death will come to me, Nerevarine -- perhaps even at your hands. It is futile to deny one's fate. But, nonetheless, I'm afraid I find it all very, very sad that it should end this way, something that began in such glory and noble promise." --Vivec if you tell him Almalexia's fate.
"Your story is unbelievable. But... there are rumors here that Almalexia is no longer here in Mournhold, and plans to be gone until Dagoth Ur is defeated. The Temple plans to keep this a secret, for fear of starting a panic among the Faithful. Now... I don't know what to think." --Galsa Andrano if you kill Almalexia before Dagoth Ur.
"Your story is unbelievable. But... rumors here say Almalexia is no longer in Mournhold, and she plans to be gone indefinitely. They say she exhausted her body and spirit in the war against Dagoth Ur, but now she plans to travel in disguise among the people, living the life of a mortal, and recovering her love for the world. The Temple plans to keep this a secret, for fear of starting a panic among the Faithful. Now... I don't know what to think." --Galsa Andrano if you kill Almalexia after Dagoth Ur.
"[Anxious, but prepared and controlled.] I'm not sure you understand. The Tribunal are Living Gods -- but that doesn't mean you can come see them any time you want. In happier times, the Tribunal appeared before the people, just like us priests. But times have changed, and no one sees the Tribunal any more. So... of course... you could not have found Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec 'dead'. That's simply... impossible." --Gavas Drin, with similar messages for any variation of which members of the Tribunal you "found dead".
"[Anxious, but prepared and controlled.] I'm not sure you understand. The Tribunal are Living Gods -- but that doesn't mean you can come see them any time you want. In happier times, the Tribunal appeared before the people, just like us priests. But times have changed, and no one sees the Tribunal any more. So... of course... you could not have 'killed' Almalexia/Vivec. That's simply... impossible." --Gavas Drin, who will not believe you if you claim to have killed Almalexia or Vivec.
"[Stares at you thoughtfully.] I believe you are serious. I'm not sure I believe you have killed a living god... though I do think YOU think you have. I doubt you could prove it. And I doubt the priests would believe it... or would admit it, even if it were true. Say nothing about this to anyone. Or... I suppose you can tell who you like. Who would believe you? Fascinating. Simply fascinating. So many possibilities...." --Barenziah.
"[Stares at you doubtfully.] From anyone else, such a statement would be nonsense. And you have no way to prove this statement? I scarcely know what to think. If true, I can't begin to imagine what the social and political consequences would be. But I doubt you'd be very popular among the Dunmer if this were known. My advice is to keep quiet about this. I certainly shall. I have heard nothing whatsoever from you about this. And we have not spoken. Understand?" --King Hlaalu Helseth.
"[Puzzled.] You are a foreigner. Many foreigners cannot understand our Living Gods. Are you speaking figuratively? In metaphors? In some... poetic way? Are you a follower of some peculiar Western cult? Please excuse me... but what you say makes no sense at all." --Fedris Hler.
"[Smoothly.] You're not well, my child. You don't know what you're saying. You must be mistaken. If you have killed someone, I'm afraid it's a matter for the Ordinators. But of course, no one can kill a Living God. Perhaps if you pray at a shrine, your mind will be cleared." --People at Mournhold Temple.
"[Forcefully, threateningly.] You are wrong. You are foolish to say such things. Go away." --Temple Members.
"[Stares at you in disbelief.] Gods... I think you're serious. Or, at least, you believe what you're saying. You should go to the Temple and tell them this. Surely you don't believe you can kill a Living God? And even if you SAW such a thing, do you believe you can kill a god PERMANENTLY? Good grief. Have you never read 'The 36 Lessons of Vivec'? These are immortal gods you're talking about." --People in the Temple Courtyard.
"You are a foreigner, and one must make allowances. But even a foreigner must know that such jokes are not in good taste." --People in Godsreach.
"[Stares at you with distaste.] Excuse me." --People in Godsreach.
"[Stares at you in disbelief.] What makes you say such a thing? Are you mad? Go to the Temple and pray at the shrines for your soul. If you cannot be cured, you must be locked away, for your own good, and the good of society." --A response from Dunmer.
"Nonsense. You don't know what you're talking about." --A generic response for everyone else.


  • Almalexia is technically listed as a creature in the Elder Scrolls Construction Set, so spells such as Calm, Command, Demoralize, Frenzy and Rally all use the "Creature" version and she can be Soultrapped, provided you have Azura's Star empty in your inventory.
  • Almalexia is noted for having the largest soul in not only Morrowind, but also both of the expansions, even larger than that of Vivec.
  • Almalexia has no hand-to-hand attack. If her sword breaks, and she has no magicka remaining, she will just chase the player around the room, unable to do anything else.
  • If you choose to break the storyline and attack Almalexia in the High Chapel, you will not incur a bounty. Although the powerful Hands next to her will attack you, the rest of Mournhold will not even bat an eye.
  • When she ambushes you in the Clockwork City she is wearing a mask similar to the Daedric Face of Inspiration.
  • Almalexia also appears in ESO and Legends.
    • For more information on recurring characters, please see the associated page.
