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< Skyrim: Creatures: Animals

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Reindeer (RefID: FExxx80E)
(lore page)
Added by Saturalia Holiday Pack
Location Camp north of the Windward Ruins
Species Deer Soul
Level 4 Type Animals
RefID FExxx80E BaseID FExxxD65
Other Information
Health 289 Magicka 0
Stamina 106
Essential Always
Faction(s) Spriggan Prey Faction

The Reindeer is a unique mount found at a camp north of the Windward Ruins. It can be bought by purchasing a bill of sale from its current owner, Agrane Peryval. It functions identically to a horse mount but in appearance it resembles a deer wearing festive tack.

It will return to Agrane's camp if you switch to a different active mount.

It cannot be armored with Horse Armor, either steel or elven. However, it is "essential" and thus cannot be killed.