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Quick Summary: written by Jeancey, not checked

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Help free a dashing prisoner.
Zone: Stros M'Kai
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: The Grave — Free Jakarn from the prison beneath Headman Bhosek's palace.
Quest Giver: Irien
Location(s): The Grave, Dogeater Goblin Camp, Goblin Mines, Stros M'Kai, Port Hunding
Previous Quest: The Broken Spearhead
Next Quest: The Spearhead's Captain or The Spearhead's Crew
Concurrent Quest: Buried Secrets and Like Moths to a Candle
Reward: Jakarn's Machete
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: 4454
Jakarn in his cell
A man named Jakarn was thrown into the Grave, a prison below Headman Bhosek's Palace. Apparently the headman of the town accused him of stealing a valuable gem.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Irien outside the Grave.
  2. Locate Jakarn and escape.
  3. Meet up with Jakarn at the mine.
  4. Retrieve the gem and decide what to do with it.
  5. Find Jakarn again in Port Hunding.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Finding JakarnEdit

Go north of town to find the Grave. Irien is outside the entrance speak to her and you'll find out Jakarn is inside. Once inside head straight; you can go into the room on the right, but not much is in there. Watch out for the spike and flame traps on the floor. You have a choice between turning left to pass all the enemies by going down a hole and going to the bottom of the Grave or turn right to take the long way and face some Grave Butchers and go through more spike traps. Go down the stairs and continue watching out for the spike traps as you continue through the hall. Go past the flame trap and you can fight the enemies in the room on your right, but again there isn't much in there besides provisioning ingredients and crates. Continue fighting through the halls until you reach the bottom of the Grave. Talk to Jakarn, who is in a cell at the back of the room. When you talk to him you'll turn in the quest The Broken Spearhead.

Helping JakarnEdit

Open the cell door and follow him back to the entrance. Talk to Jarkarn: he'll tell you that you guys can't go that way because of Irien and guards, so go to the room to the right of the entrance and exit via the ladder in the far room. Once outside talk to Jakarn again and he'll ask you to help him get a gem back from the goblins at Bhosek's abandoned mine. Follow him and when he disappears follow the path through Dogeater Goblin Camp and up to the entrance of the mine. Enter the mine and go forward fighting through the goblins. The room at the end of the passage is filled with goblins, so you can fight them or try and sneak through. Near the top of the western wall is the way you need to go. Follow the path up and go through the door. You'll come out on a raised walkway fight through the enemies and continue down the path. At the end of the path talk to Jakarn and he'll tell you to grab the gem in the next room. Go through the door, it opens into a huge room. Some Durzogs are in here and so is the goblin leader Gornog guarding the gem defeat him and open the chest to find a giant red gemstone. Go through the passage in the southwestern wall and follow it to the exit. Climb down from where you are and an Orc named Moglurkgul will want to talk to you, so speak to her. She will ask if you saw Jakarn. You can say that you have the gem or lie and say you haven't seen him. If you lie to her she will tell you that if they catch him he's dead. Now go to Port Hunding and find the Screaming Mermaid inn. You'll find Irien outside crying. Talk to her to find out that Jakarn cheated on her. Go inside the inn and talk to Jakarn he's just to the left of the entrance. He tells you he'll join the crew and gives you Jakarn's Machete and some gold as a reward.

Quest StagesEdit

Innocent Scoundrel
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  I should travel to the Grave. It's located below the palace.
Objective: Enter the Grave
Now that I'm in the prison, I need to find Jakarn.
Objective: Find Jakarn
I found Jakarn's cell. I should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to Jakarn
I must release Jakarn and help him find his treasure.
Objective: Free Jakarn
I should follow Jakarn.
Objective: Follow Jakarn
I should climb up to the upper level of the Grave and exit.
Objective: Exit the Grave
Jakarn is by the exit to the Grave. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Jakarn
I need to escape the Grave.
Objective: Use the Side Exit
I should talk to Jakarn.
Objective: Talk to Jakarn
I should head to the Goblin mine to help Jakarn retrieve his treasure.
Objective: Reach Goblin Mine
Objective: Wait for Jakarn
The treasure lies in a storage room on the upper level of the mine
Objective: Reach Upper Level of Mine
I should talk to Jakarn to find out the next step.
Objective: Talk to Jakarn
Jakarn has unlocked the storage room. I should enter and retrieve his treasure.
Objective: Enter Storage Room
I must retrieve Jakarn's treasure.
Objective: Retrieve Jakarn's Treasure
I have Jakarn's treasure. I should meet him on the beach across from the mine.
Objective: Find Jakarn
Objective Hint: Find Other Mine Exit
The headman's guards are looking for Jakarn and the gemstone. I can give the gem either to the guards or Jakarn.
Objective: Talk to Moglurkgul
Talk to Jakarn at the inn.
Objective: Meet Jakarn at the Inn
Objective Hint: Talk to Irien
Finishes quest  I should talk to Jakarn. He's at the inn.
Objective: Talk to Jakarn
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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