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Oblivion:Generic Dialogue

< Oblivion: NPCs

The following is a list of generic dialogue and rumors, meaning that none of the following lines are specific to any individual NPC.


"We're all talking about the emperor's murder. We have no emperor. And no heir. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried."
"Have you ever met anyone who got rich betting on the Arena? Didn't think so."
"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are getting killed? Really? It's just berry syrup and ham-acting."
"The Council runs the Arena to amuse the masses, and it pays for itself, with all the fools who lose their shirts gambling."
"Is there anywhere in Tamriel you can avoid rats? Disease spreading little nuisances."
"Wayshrines of Arkay confer blessings of Health on those who've pleased the Nine by righteous acts."
"The Imperial City is densely urbanized, with a few large parks and waterside dock areas."
"There's islands in Niben Bay no one has visited in a hundred years. No telling what you'll find."
"I understand the Fighters Guild is hiring new members. Not bad work for some folks."
"They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood comes to you in your sleep. It's how they recruit new members."
"I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease."
"Best way to take out a skeleton is with a big weapon. Forget spells. Just smack them and watch the bones fly!"
"I don't even know what a will-o-the-wisp is, much less how to kill one. I think they're just swamp gas, myself."
"I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill."
"You can find Cairn Bolete growing in caves. They're said to mark the place someone has died."
"If you're on a road, you can usually outrun anything. If you're in good shape, and not wearing a tin suit."
"Those who live by the Commands of the Nine receive Blessings of Strength when they visit Wayshrines of Tiber Septim."
"Those famous for good deeds may receive Blessings of Intelligence and Magicka when they visit Wayshrines of Julianos."
"If you've been good, Wayshrines of Dibella may bless your Personality."
"Virtuous visitors to Wayshrines of Kynareth may receive blessings of Agility."
"Please the Nine with good works, and visit Wayshrines of Stendarr for Blessings of Endurance."
"You've seen wayshrines in the wilderness? Those who've pleased the Nine may receive Blessings of Willpower at the Wayshrines of Mara."
"When you visit a Wayshrine of Zenithar, and you've lived a good life by the Nine, you may receive a Blessing of Luck."
"If you've done good deeds, the Nine will bless you and cure diseases when you visit their wayshrines."
"Ancient Wayshrines of the Nine are scattered through the wilderness. The righteous who pray there receive powerful divine blessings."
"Waysrhines of the Nine in the wilderness confer blessings on the righteous and faithful."
"The legions patrol the roads, and they've always been sufficient. I can't imagine we'll ever be at war with the provinces… not in my lifetime."
"The Mages Guild runs more or less like it always did, but we lost quite a few members when the practice of Necromancy was banned."
"Not only has Necromancy been banned in the Mages Guild, but the Guild won't deal with anyone who openly uses it."
"Half of the Council of Mages resigned when Traven took over the position of Arch-Mage."
"Things in the guild have been different since Traven was named Arch-Mage. They're more structured, but everyone seems tense."
"The Mages Guild has made more than a few enemies since Necromancy was banned."
"I don't know what Arch-Mage Traven has against Necromancy, but the first thing he did after taking over the Mages Guild was to ban its practice."
"Arch-Mage Traven is the first to take such a hard stance on Necromancy. It upset more than a few people."
"Some say that Traven is misusing the power of the Arch-Mage's position to further his personal agendas."
"The Gray Fox sounds like a dangerous thief."
"I think we're all in for some hard times. The death of Uriel Septim and his heirs changes everything."
"The Emperor and his three sons, dead, right under the noses of the Imperial Guard. It's a disgrace."
"My favorite town? Anvil. Lovely old stone buildings, and the harbor at sunset is beautiful."
"No one wants to live in the Jerall Mountains. Well, maybe in Bruma, but they're like Nords. They don't feel the cold."
"The people of Nibenay consider themselves to be more civilized and sophisticated than Colovians."
"I'm not saying Colovians are dumb. They're just hard-headed."
"The Colovians are proud of their reputation for being independent, rough, and rebellious."
"In the west, in Old Colovia, that's where men are men. That's the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands."
"It's still pretty wild east of the Niben. Few people, except for bandits, but at least it hasn't been picked clean by treasure-hunters."
"Blackwood isn't so bad, once you get used to the flies. And being lost all the time. And the zombies and will-o-the-wisps."
"Nobody goes into the mountains but hunters and thieves on the lam. Food and shelter is hard to come by."
"The Heartlands and Nibenean Valley are the agricultural breadbaskets of Cyrodiil."
"Nibenay is bordered on north and east by rugged mountains and to the south by marshes and rainforest."
"The lowlands of the Great Forest rise to the upland plateau of the Colovian West."
"The Colovian Highlands are barren wastelands along the border with Hammerfell."
"The Colovian Highlands? Near the Hammerfell border? No one lives there. That's barren wastelands."
"On Cyrodiil's northern border is the sparsely populated mountainous wilderness called the Valus Mountains."
"High mountain ranges rise to the borders in the north and east, and marshes and rainforests extend to the southeast borders."
"It's our natural barriers that keep us safe, mostly. Mountain borders north and east, open sea to the west, and bogs and rainforest to south."
"Western Cyrodiil is called 'Colovia,' and includes the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands regions."
"What can be said about taxes? They're high, but we must pay. At least they are administered efficiently, and the shrinkage is within decent limits."
"I don't like you and don't want to talk to you."

Tamriel Gate ResponsesEdit

"I have heard things are bad in Vvardenfell. The Telvanni do their best to close the gates, but it is to no avail."
"I hear all of Skyrim is under siege. The daedra lay waste to the Old Holds, and there is little to do to stop it."
"It seems it is a dire situation throughout all of Tamriel."
"I've heard nothing good. In Morrowind, they say the man-god Vivec has gone missing. Some believe he has been taken by the daedra."
"Many are dead in the land of the Dunmer. Even St. Jiub, who drove the cliffracers from Vvardenfell, has fallen to the daedra hordes."
"Nothing I'd like to talk about."
"The news has not been good. I've heard it said that the daedra have overrun the town of Ald'ruhn. The entire town has been destroyed."
"There are foul tidings from Skyrim. The Greybeards speak of the end of all times."
"There is grave news from Skyrim. From Falkreath to Windhelm, the foul daedra attack the land."
"This is most disturbing. We can only hope this madness is over soon."
"This is unbelievable. How can the gods let this happen?"


"The Oak and Crosier is a nice place, but that Talasma seems rather stuck-up to me."
"I could be wrong, but it seems to me there's something shady going on at the Oak and Crosier."
"It's good to know we've got such a strong Fighters Guild presence here in town."
"That Modryn Oreyn has got no sense of humor. Hell of a warrior, though. No wonder he's done so well in the Fighters Guild."
"I just feel safe living here in Chorrol. I mean, we have the head of the Fighters Guild right here in town!"
"Hard to complain about living in Chorrol. We've got everything you need."
"I'm thinking of heading over to Renoit's to buy some books. There's quite a selection."
"I saw Valus Odiil at the Grey Mare again today. Hasn't been the same since his boys took off."
"Have you seen Valus Odiil recently? Spends all day in the tavern since his boys left."
"Did you hear that Dar-Ma has disappeared?"
"I had a very pleasant visit with Arriana Valga recently. The castle was very comfortable, and her new guard captain seems to be working out well."
"Francois Motierre hasn't left his house in days. Hasn't come down to the tavern, refuses to have visitors. I think the man's gone batty."
"I found some good pauldrons at the armorer."
"Have you seen that poor man staying in the Chapel Hall? I heard he's under some sort of curse."

Post-A Shadow Over HackdirtEdit

If Dar-Ma died:

"Did you hear the bad news? Dar-Ma's [sic] daughter was killed by some strange cultists down in Hackdirt. Terrible, terrible times we live in."

if Dar-Ma lived:

"Did you hear that Dar-Ma came back, safe and sound? You know, Seed-Neeus's daughter, the Argonians."'
"I heard some nice fellow found her held prisoner in some cave, and rescued her. What a romantic story!"

Post-Canvas the CastleEdit

If the painting was returned to the Countess:

"The Countess seems much happier now that the item that was stolen from her was returned."

If the painting wasn't returned:

"The Countess still seems quite sad. I hear someone tried to find the item stolen from the castle, but they had no luck. Oh well."

Post-The Assassinated ManEdit

"You won't believe what's happened! Francois Motierre has been killed! Murdered by the Dark Brotherhood! It's true, I saw the body myself."
"I heard the most disturbing rumor. Someone told me Francois Motierre has been murdered by the Dark Brotherhood! It's not… It's not true, is it?"