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Lore:Talos Cult

< Lore: Factions: [[Lore:Factions [|[]]
A Talos Cult shrine
"We are those who worship the true following of the Legions. Protecting the Glory of Tiber Septim, Talos, the Dragonborn."

The Talos Cult is a religious group that expressly reveres Tiber Septim, founder of the Third Empire, as a divine god-hero. Combined with the worship of the Eight Divines, the Talos Cult forms part of the whole Imperial Cult. It has a significant following in the Imperial Legion.

Circa 3E 427, fringe members of the Talos Cult in the Imperial Legion were part of a conspiracy to assassinate Emperor Uriel Septim VII during a rumored visit to Vvardenfell, due to his perceived weak rule. They began to recruit new members from the Deathshead Legion garrison in Gnisis, requiring them to swear an oath that they "shall die to put a strong man back on the throne of Tamriel". This was prevented by the Nerevarine, who executed the conspirators by order of General Darius.


  • Through infomining, it can be ascertained that the Talos Cult presented in Morrowind were originally a slightly different group called the Red Templars, who were originated in some RuneQuest campaigns set in Tamriel during Morrowind's early development, ran by Michael Kirkbride. The Red Templars themselves were a cult of psycho-crusaders within the Imperial Legion who "drank the blood of Talos to get short-term martial shouting powers." The rest of the Legion and Elder Council hated the Red Templars, and so they were shoved off to places like Morrowind. The Templars were supposedly tied into the chain of command within the Legion, but in truth, the Templars didn't take orders from anyone but themselves. There was an idea thrown out there during a forum roleplay that the Templars maintained a system of "Blood Dome Temples" across Tamriel, with each Temple being lead by a "Head Red." One such Temple was in Balmora. During the actual development of Morrowind, the Red Templars concept became the Templars of the Sons of Talos, before inferably being written into the Talos Cult. The armor made for the Templars was eventually retooled for use across the entire Legion, and yet the armor is still referred to as Imperial Templar Armor, mainly used by higher ups within the Legion -- and no context is ever provided for what wearing Templar Armor denotes in the Imperial Legion.

See AlsoEdit


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.