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< Lore: People: [[Lore:People [|[]]
Race Reachman Gender Female
Born 2nd Era
The Reach
Resided in Karthwatch
Appears in ESO

Bjora of Karthwatch was the last known descendant of ancient Reachfolk king Red Eagle. She lived during the Interregnum period, around 2E 582. She was raised by an adoptive Nordic mother, who earlier took part in a raid during which Bjora's clansmen were slaughtered. She grown to be great warrior and a town guard in the frontier settlement of Karthwatch.


Bjora under the effect of the spell

Bjora was born in the Reach several years before 2E 577. When she was a baby her clan was camping in the northern parts of the region and their presence attracted Nordic raiders who slaughtered everyone in the camp except for her. One of the raiders, Helsi found her in the crib in one of the tents and brought her home to raise as her own daughter. Bjora was raised as a Nord, in ignorance of her true heritage. In 2E 577, she would help them settle the town of Karthwatch, a frontier town built in recently established Karthald Hold.

She was trained in the art of swordsmanship from a young age and soon after she reached adulthood she joined the local town guard, dedicating her life to protecting the inhabitants of the frontier settlement from raids of Reachfolk who aimed to reclaim their ancestral homeland.

One of such raids occurred in 2E 582. The group of the Icereach Coven witches led by Meritha convinced members of the Reachfolk faction loyal to the descendants of the Red Eagle to join their cause and attack Karthwatch. They wanted retribution for the unprovoked attack from the Nords and considered the revenge as righteous salvation. Icereach Coven members believed that Bjora was prophesied to lead as their queen.

Faolan, Bjora's legendary ancestor

The attack was led by Warleader Madovan. Certain members of the invading clan shown distrust and disapproval of the decision to follow the witches of the Icereach Coven and were opposed to the alliance with Rada al-Saran which they perceived as an act of submissive servitude and betrayal of the old traditions and gods. Some opponents of the Icereach Coven were killed by their own compatriots, loyal to the witches' cause during the attack.

Bjora and her fellow survivors in Solitude

During the attack Bjora, together with her friend and fellow town guard Hafskjar took the civilian people to the Bleakridge Barrow, west of town to provide them shelter and protection during the raid. The barrow however was already under Reachfolk control. Guards and civilians were ambushed by the warriors of the Reach and Bjora was captured. Her companion Hafskjar fleed from the battle and hid in the other section of the barrow. An adventurer found Hafskjar at the barrow and together with him freed the captured civilians and slain the Warleader. Among the freed captives there was Helsi, Bjora's adoptive mother.

After destroying Karthwatch in a Harrowstorm Icereach Witches and their loyalists from the Reach, took Bjora across the bridge and brought her outside Sundered Towers. They began using magic to implant memories in her, including a vision of Red Eagle handing her a crown of briars while a frightening, fanged man declared that she would lead his armies. She also witnessed horrors gathering in the Markarth. The ritual was ultimately interrupted by her childhood friend, Hafskjar, assisted by the Vestige.

Soon after being freed from the spell, she returned to the survivor's camp that was set up by one of the town guards Fenrar in the ruins just outside the destroyed town. Despite the intervention of the Vestige, Karthald hold was ultimately reclaimed by the Reachfolk. Citizens of Karthwatch, with their homes destroyed, moved north, to the Solitude. Bjora was among them.

Although her heritage was revealed to the citizens of the destroyed frontier town she remained part of the community. She expressed no desire or interest in her Reachfolk ancestry and considered herself a Nord. She took part in the celebrations at the Blue Palace after the defeat of the Gray Host forces in the Kingdom of Western Skyrim. She expressed desire to remain in Solitude, however it is unknown whether she and other refugees from Karthwatch remained there or moved to Morthal.

See AlsoEdit

  • For game-specific information, see the ESO article.

