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Terrain map

Weather in Arena is a mechanic related to various phenomena in the atmosphere. Various regions might experience weather such as snow, rain, an overcast or clear sky may occur. Based on various factors such as geographic location, season and the time of day, the weather frequency changes.


Some aspects of gameplay are changed based on the current weather in the game. Fog greatly limits the player's vision, thunderstorms have frequent thunder claps and rumbles alongside the lighting flashes. Snow and rain do not affect the game as much. Buildings offering services will be accompanied with Welcome messages which vary depending on the current season and weather. Music might also change during different weather, for example the northern regions of Skyrim and High Rock will have a jaunty tune somewhat invoking a Christmas-time feeling, while in others, such as Black Marsh and Hammerfell, the music which plays is different from the aforementioned provinces. Some regions will feature NPCs that are dressed in different clothing more suited for warmer or colder weather but not all NPCs adapt like this. Most noticeably stationary NPCs will never wear different clothing. Note that there can be some differences within the same province.

Weather in the provincesEdit


Black Marsh




South, rain


High Rock

Imperial Province