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The entrance hall to the once mighty Stonekeep

Stonekeep is an old ruined fort located in Hammerfell with connections to a large cavern. It is overrun by goblins and other creatures. Some notes can lead you to the final standing point of the survivors of the fort. You are sent here by Queen Blubamka to find the scroll that will lead you to Fang Lair to find the first part of the staff.

To find the scroll simply go straight ahead from the entrance and turn right once you reach the throne. Go through the door and kill the first group of enemies, usually wolves. Now go to the very end of the room and open the door on the right. You should see a raised blue platform. Get on it and jump across the ledge. Turn right and kill the skeletons before going across the water to reach the island guarded by a large group of ghouls. The scroll is in the middle of this island.


Map of Stonekeep



    The second level
    Stonekeep was intended as a two-level dungeon. The second level can still be found in the game files.
  • Although Queen Blubamka mentions that the goblins of Stonekeep are led by a necromancer named Golthog the Dark, no such enemy appears by name or appearance in-game.